Biden's First 100 Day Priorities & Core Values Explained

If you take a look at the Biden/Harris website featuring their transition plan as president-elect and VP-elect, you will see two items of interest that follow the CEO playbook — setting priorities and declaring what matters from the start.

There is a special tab on the workman-like (nothing fancy) transition website for Priorities. They list out four priorities: Covid-19, Economic Recovery, Racial Equity and Climate Change. Just like new CEOs, the president-elect and VP-elect are signaling where they will be spending their time and resources to get their house in order and take charge.

They also list out what matters — the core values they intend to instill and infuse in their administration: “diversity of ideology and background; talent to address society’s most complex challenges; integrity and the highest ethical standards to serve the American people and not special interests; and transparency to garner trust at every stage.”

I was fascinated by the Agency Review Teams tab as well. Their purpose is to understand the operations of each agency, ensuring a smooth transfer of power. It was fascinating to review who was volunteering and leading these teams. Interesting array of people and prior jobs.