Leslie Gaines-Ross

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Business Reputation Lacks Empathy

While watching the Democratic debates over the past few months, I noticed how Bernie Sanders lambasted Apple and Amazon. Corporations are regularly scolded for one thing or another in these debates or on the campaign trail, a rising concern to executives as the presidential debates continue throughout 2020. I have carefully tracked American’s sentiments towards CEOs and the companies over the years, hoping against hope that there will be a tilt towards greater favorability at some point in time. However, that has never materialized. Pew Research recently released information proving how hard it will be for business leaders to receive the American public’s reputational admiration. The Pew Research shows people believing that business and tech leaders have little empathy and understanding of their everyday challenges. Only 4% of Americans say that leaders understand their challenges very well. 68% say business and tech leaders understand their day to day problems “not too well” or “not at all.” And despite the fierce polarization in America by political party, it appears that even Democrats and Republicans agree that business leaders have no heart. These are dismal numbers to see and it makes me wonder what could possibly turn the tide. Proposals such as caps on CEO compensation and greater profit sharing have been put on the table. But no silver bullet has altered perceptions of leaders’ perceived untrustworthiness. Maybe it will never happen, sad to say. I thought we had a chance when CEOs turned activist and showed that they had a heartbeat. Maybe that will slowly happen over time. 2030?