CEO aka Chief Empathy Officer, No Kidding

Chief Reputation Officer? Chief Employee Engagement Officer? Chief Geopolitical officer? Chief Ethical Officer? Chief Strategy Officer? Is there really room for another title for CEOs? It amazes me how CEOs are accountable for just about everything these days. Let’s not even get into a discussion on Chief Financial Officer as well. But did I forget another one…I think I did. I just came across a report on the state of empathy in the workplace by businesssolver, a benefits administration technology company. A full 93 percent of employees report they’re likely to stay with an empathetic employer while 82 percent say that they would consider leaving their job for a more empathetic organization. The report found that CEOs are getting the message that they need to be more empathetic and make empathy a foundation of their workplace. In 2017, the research showed 57 percent of CEOs thought empathy in the workplace needed to change. This year, that number grew to 72 percent. It surprises me that CEOs have time to sleep at night considering all the jobs they have and which they are expected to have.

Leslie Gaines-RossCEO