Leslie Gaines-Ross

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White House Comms Director Sets the Right Tone

I can hardly believe that I am putting Jen Psaki’s press conferences on my Google calendar to make sure I don’t miss it. I just love listening to her answer questions civilly. I am mesmerized watching her professionalism, honesty and transparency. Having been in the communications business myself for years, I know how hard her job must be. She has to anticipate questions at whip speed and answer questions over and over without sounding annoyed. Plus she has to be mindful that her presentation to journalists and to the world reflect on the new administration’s and new President’s reputation. So far, she is being carefully patient, collaborative and responsive, giving everyone a shot at asking a question and referring to them by their first names. Psaki seems in lock step with what the new administration wants to project. For now at least the White House Briefings of reputation building.

An oped by Margaret Sullivan in the Washington Post cautions people not to be lulled by normalcy. She says, “We run the risk of being seduced by an administration that, in many cases, closely reflects our [media’s] values: multiculturalism, a belief in the principles of liberal democracy, and a kind of wonky idealism.” It is only day four that she has been conducting the White House Daily Briefings so let’s give her a break. I am sure the honeymoon will eventually fade but let’s enjoy observing what substance and character looks like from behind a podium. It has been absent for too long.

I was impressed that Psaki asked average citizens to submit questions. Below is the ask in her tweet. And if you click here, you can see how she answered.

I also loved learning that Biden’s favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate chip. I assume that Ben & Jerry’s is at work coming up with a special edition of this flavor for the new presidency. Looking forward to seeing what they name it. Hope you saw their special flavor honoring American civil rights activist and football quarterback Colin Kaepernick — Change the Whirled. Non-Dairy of course. See below.