Day One for CEOs....

I enjoy observing the first days of new CEOs and how companies feature their new chief executives. Jane Fraser of Citigroup began her first day on March 1 and three things caught my eye. First, on day one she was on the home page with a blog post announcing her steadfast commitment to combatting climate change. She wrote about Citi’s responsibility to play a leading role transitioning to a net zero global economy. This first day blast is clearly a statement about Citi’s priorities going forward during her tenure. Fraser applied some metrics as well: “Now we are taking the next bold step on this journey. We are committing to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. I am proud to make this commitment on my first day as CEO of Citi.”

I also noticed how she was featured on the Executive Leadership page. The 17 executives are listed alphabetically and she lands in the first row second to the chief executive of Citigroup in Asia Pacific. Although the alphabetization worked out well for her placement in the top row, it certainly sent a message of teamship over the individual.

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And at the end of the day, the following tweet appeared. Citi’s tweet has a quote from Fraser about her intentions to win as a team and leading from the front. It should not go unnoticed that she is dressed in what might be called Citi blue. I doubt her day ended at 5pm as the time stamp on the tweet indicates…hah.

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